Microcredit was initiated to provide financial services to those who are unable to get these services from the banks, giving them the chance to increase their incomes and save themselves from the poverty circle covering more than a third of the world’s population.
In Lebanon, the Micro financed business, employing less than 4 employees, account for 40% of Lebanon’s economy. For this sector to survive and develop, it needs the information and the working capital from savings, family loans, friends, banks, non-profit organizations or any other source.

Choose how you want to help to make a difference

Financial Services:
Loans ranging from 500 to 10,000 USD; these business investment loans are secured by personal guarantees and are repayable over a term of 6 to 24 months:
– Business loan
– SME loan
– Personal loan
– Family loan
– Mother loan
– Youth loan
Non-financial Services:
– Consultancy and advice given by the staff throughout the period of the loan
– Lectures on financial awareness and entrepreneurship
– Training Workshops to empower personal, management and financial skills
– Yearly exhibition of beneficiaries’ products and service
A candidate who qualifies for enrollment in MF MCP should:
– Be a Lebanese citizen
– Have a project in the process of establishment or development or be presently employed in a near minimum wage job
– Be over 18 years of age
Entrepreneurs interested in applying for a loan may initiate the application process by phoning or visiting any of our Foundation centers. Applicants that fulfill the required qualification criteria will be introduced to the Program’s terms and conditions, in addition to its procedures and required guarantees.
Once all paperwork has been prepared on behalf of the applicant, the loan application will be filled by a loan officer at the applicant’s business or home. A special committee will study the loan application and approved applicant will be informed of their loan disbursement date.
The fore mentioned process requires a maximum of 10 days. Once the loan is received by the applicant, the loan officer will be conducting periodic, on-site visit follow-ups with the applicant regarding the loan use and repayment. At the end of the loan term, an evaluation of its impact with follow up such attending work shops, taking courses if required and measuring performance will be made.
At Makhzoumi Foundation, we track many measures of our performance and we compare it to our goal and take steps to improve.