Makhzoumi Foundation is a National, private, not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). Established in Lebanon in 1997, upon the vision and conviction of its Founder, HE. Deputy Fouad Makhzoumi and chaired by Mrs. May Naamani Makhzoumi, out of a strong desire to help empower the community in Lebanon to achieve self-sufficient independence via improved prospects.
We are empowering individuals for a better community.
To provide ultimate living conditions for every person in Lebanon
To mobilize resources, build partnerships and develop the capacities of our community in Lebanon while promoting targeted education, affordable healthcare, workable startups, sustainable development and secured livelihoods
Respect for Human Rights: We recognize that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights
Empowerment: Empowering the community underlines everything we are and everything we do.
Leadership: Our best work comes through a collaborative approach that leads groups towards specific results
Service Beyond Self: Philanthropy is our strong motivator to act from a concern for others.
Accountability: We are responsible for all our actions and decisions.
Transparency: We are guided by openness in the dissemination of our records.

Fouad Makhzoumi, Founder of Makhzoumi Foundation
From an early age, it became apparent to me that in order to build a nation, we cannot successfully govern ourselves according to the biased influence of sects, social standing, or political ideologies. In a country as socioeconomically and religiously diverse as Lebanon, what unifies our people must be a greater sense of belonging to our beloved nation. We must be driven, together, by the common factor that unites us: our homeland and its prosperity.
The challenges I have encountered throughout my life have played an integral role in determining my perspective and shaping my patriotism. I continuously strive to build upon my deep-rooted nationalism, especially through the work of the Makhzoumi Foundation, and believe all Lebanese people desire to love their country as one. The Makhzoumi Foundation and the valuable contributions we have made, and continue to make, have created a true sense of purpose that extends far beyond the limiting frameworks of sectarianism.
In order for anyone to achieve authentic self-actualization, one must realize himself/herself as unique part of a nation and must contribute his/her unique talents, without prejudice reservation, towards the enrichment of that nation. My personal vision is not one of sacrifice but one of duty. It is with this vision, I hope, the Makhzoumi Foundation inspires every Lebanese to rise above sectarianism and progress towards fulfilling our civic and humanitarian duty to take care of our country and every person who calls it “home”.

May Makhzoumi, President of Makhzoumi Foundation
In 1997, the Makhzoumi Foundation was established by Dr. Fouad Makhzoumi, with a vision so much larger than a dream. He surrounded himself with a dedicated team of individuals that is passionate and committed to realizing everything that the Foundation has accomplished since its humble beginnings.
We at Makhzoumi Foundation have set our hopes high on achieving our mission and work relentlessly to fulfil our vision. The meticulous structuring of our programs is vital to ensuring that the intentions of our efforts tangibly contribute to the progress of the country, as whole, by making a difference in the lives of everyone we support.
Additionally, even before the United Nations Millennium Declaration of 2000 called for the development of civil society by promoting gender equality and empowering women via the labor force, the Makhzoumi Foundation was already making great strides to elevate the status of and increase the overall opportunity of women in Lebanon. These endeavours remain a priority for us, along with giving our country’s youth access to new technologies that can enhance their socioeconomic condition – also an important facet of the UN Millennium Declaration. With important regard to the environment, we are contributing to the UN’s efforts to protect Lebanon’s environment, as well.
We have gone way ahead since our inception, with extended area of presence, variety of services and number of beneficiaries. We are still pioneers in Lebanon to abide and follow closely the UN resolutions the last which is about Sustainable Development in all fields and we will work reluctantly towards Global Citizenship, the goal for 2020.
Our daring vision is to be great contributors to the advancement of Lebanon for a brighter future for its people.