The Makhzoumi foundation invites qualified suppliers, to make firm offers for supply and delivery of goods and services.
-Items should be genuine and original,
-The cost must be inclusive of transportation to greater Beirut area,
-The supplier must check/inspect the items before dispatching them to Makhzoumi foundation,
-All rejected items must be replaced by the supplier at no cost to Makhzoumi foundation.
All RFQ will be evaluated based on compliance with the established MF specification, cost, warranty period, delivery capacity and availability of products in your stock.
Below information is necessary for RFQ to be considered:
- Company registered with the government of Lebanon.
- Company was established and has selling similar products for at least one year.
- Suppliers are required to submit all their enquires in respect of this request. Makhzoumi Foundation may, at its discretion, copy any reply to a particular question to all other invited suppliers.
- Language: RFQ shall be prepared in English.
- Currency: your quote shall be only in USD.
- Delivery terms: delivered at place (DAP) greater Beirut area within 48 hours.
- Prices: unit cost and total cost must be provided without must cover all the services to be provided (price all inclusive) including delivery.
LATE SUBMISSION OF RFQ: RFQ received after the deadline for submission may not be considered.
RFQ ACCEPTANCE: Makhzoumi Foundation reserves the right to accept the whole or part of your RFQ.
RFQ VALIDITY: You are requested to hold your proposal valid for 15 days from the deadline for submission. Makhzoumi Foundation will make its best effort to select a firm within this period.
PAYMENT: Payment will be made within 30 days of receipt of invoice at MF office in Beirut following satisfactory delivery of services. MF does not undertake to pay by letters of credit or in advance of delivery.