Diabetes Self-Monitoring Course

Because self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is important for diabetic patients, a 2-days course on the this topic was done by the Order of Nurses in Lebanon during which the professionals presented information about SMBG as being recommended for people with diabetes and their health care professionals in order to achieve a controlled level of blood glucose and to prevent hypoglycemia.…

Chatila Camp Medical Visit

The project that Makhzoumi Foundation is implementing with the Italian NGO Armadilla includes the visits of the Mobile Medical Unit team to refugee camps inside Beirut. One of these camps is the overcrowded Chatila camp. In the month of March 2016, the Italian mission lead by Professor Aldo Morrone visited Chatila accompanied by the medical…

Health Interactive Education

Following the global action plan tackling the growing problem of resistance to antibiotics, Makhzoumi Foundation Healthcare program has set one key objective that is to improve awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance through effective communication and education. With the efforts of LAU Pharm-D trainee, Rima Khabbaz, rotating at the primary healthcare center in Mazraa, a slide show was presented to explain in a very easy way the importance of following…

1-Day Vaccination Campaign

‪‎The LAU Pharm-D interns rotating at ‪‎Makhzoumi ‪Foundation Primary‪ Healthcare Center in Mazraa organized a 1-day campaign to vaccinate 50 children who missed their routine vaccines; it took place on January 29, 2016.   The Foundation thanked the Primary‪ Healthcare Program at the Ministry of Public Health for providing free vaccines.