Protecting Our Environment

Environment preservation and protection are among the primary goals #Makhzoumi_Foundation that seeks to achieve through its Environment and Development Program. The program works to spread awareness and implement projects, initiatives, and workshops to achieve these goals. Within this context, the program implemented a workshop on Découpage for kids, during which they were trained to upcycle…

Microsoft World Championship

192 students from 42 countries are participating in the Microsoft Office Specialist #MOS & Adobe World Championship in #California. Best of luck to the Lebanese team: Nour Al Mawla in Microsoft Excel, Martin Ghazal in Microsoft Word, Hussein Kanaanati, and Ahmed Tabara in Adobe. The Microsoft Championship in #Lebanon is a global championship held by…

Better Access to the Job Market

Boosting the #renewable energy sector and creating #job opportunities for more than 20 young #Lebanese in #Beirut including women! With the support of our partner the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency #TIKA, we are offering training on the fundamentals of Solar Energy to empower participants in accessing the job market. 

Official Handover

Under the #SustainingPartnerships theme, #MakhzoumiFoundation attended the German Corporation for International Cooperation #GIZ official handover of country director Thomas Mueller to his successor Matthias Wagner in a ceremony attended by representatives of the #German Embassy, #EuropeanUnion, and international and local partners.

World Youth Skills Day

The German Corporation for International Cooperation #GIZ and Makhzoumi Foundation are offering training in various fields, such as hairdressing and beauty treatments, renewable energy, machine maintenance, food service, and computer programming. With these skills, the  beneficiaries will be ready to access the job market. On #World_Youth_Skills Day, the potential of Youth-equipped with the skills and…

Diverse Cultural Heritage

The #Cultural Snack Table of #MakhzoumiFoundation was a beautiful celebration of unity and diversity! Participants enjoyed delicious homemade snacks from #Lebanon, #Palestine, #Syria, #Iraq, and #Sudan, all beautifully decorated with their flags. They proudly presented their traditional folkloric attire, highlighting the rich heritage of each culture.  I am text block. Click edit button to change…

Safe Race for Kids

The Child Safe Small Race Cars activity is implemented by #Makhzoumifoundation relief team for children of vulnerable populations. It is designed to provide children with an enjoyable and thrilling experience that promotes their motor skills, coordination, and competitive spirit within a secure setting.