Environment is our home, and it reflects our culture, and we have to be aware and cultured to maintain a healthy environment. To keep with Makhzoumi Foundation’s interest in implementing the sustainable development goals in Lebanon, the objectives of the environment occupies a wide space, given their importance and direct impact on our daily lives and the future of our generations.
Makhzoumi Foundation participated in the Beirut Environment Conference 2019, which was organized by the Ministry of Environment under the patronage of President Michel Aoun, and attended by HE Minister of Environment Fadi Jrayssati, which dealt with the main environmental axes: integrated solid waste management, air quality and climate change, environmental governance, and others.
At the closing session, Lebanon’s commitment to the sustainable development goals of 2030 was announced at the highest level, and a national committee comprising all ministries, as well as representatives of civil society and the private sector, was established to follow up the implementation of the objectives.