Online or via bank transfer

For in-kind donations (clothes, food parcels, and medications, etc.)
call us on 961 76 667239 – 961 1 660890

Yes. We use latest technology to protect your information and ensure your online donation is secure. Our online donation system is managed by NetCommerce and you can see more information about them

Your donation is in US Dollars

First, make sure that you are submitting all the information needed.
If you’re still having problems, it may be an issue with your bank so we suggest contacting them.
If all else fails, please contact us at

Yes. When your donation is processed you’ll get an automatic confirmation email.
For more questions, please contact


Account holder: Makhzoumi Foundation
Name of the bank: Blom Bank
Address of the Bank: Bliss Branch – Bliss Street- Beirut Lebanon
Country of the Bank: Beirut – Lebanon
IBAN: LB 07001400003302300088899912 USD
Swift code: BLOMLBBX
Account holder: Makhzoumi Foundation
Name of the bank: Blom Bank
Address of the Bank: Bliss Branch – Bliss Street- Beirut Lebanon
Country of the Bank: Beirut – Lebanon
IBAN: LB 69001400003301300088899913 LBP
Swift code: BLOMLBBX

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