In order to establish and support national and community-level child protection systems, child protection services are very important to prevent violence, abuse and exploitation, and to ensure displaced children access to protection services.
From there comes Makhzoumi Foundation’s special initiative that has been active for years: The Fun Bus Project. It is part of a project that aims at protecting women and children, and street and working children up to 17 years of age, including their families.
The “Fun Bus” tours different neighborhoods in Beirut, providing various activities to street and working children, provided by a highly trained and professional Psychosocial Support Team (PSS Team).
The team provides the beneficiaries with sessions on emotional regulation, drama therapy, art therapy, music therapy and sports therapy. Educational psychosocial support activities through games also takes place during the Fun Bus tours (geography, numbers, letters, culture).
Also, awareness-raising activities tackling child protection topics such as Child Abuse, Child Marriage, Child Labor are held, along with case management services for the cases that need follow up, including counseling, setting safety plans, and detecting cases.
Children benefiting from the Fun Bus spend quality educative and fun time during the sessions.