The pandemic crisis locked us in, but at Makhzoumi Foundation we exploit every possible way to reach out for beneficiaries.
Due to the lockdown situation caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, Makhzoumi Foundation’s relief unit’s psycho-social support, case management teams and the outreach volunteers were unable to pursue their duties in the normal ways, that require their presence on ground, and their door-to-door awareness sessions!
But as we’ve always did, Makhzoumi Foundation’s teams figured their way to continue their work by raising awareness to our beneficiaries, by conducting awareness sessions over the phone, & sending informative materials over WhatsApp.
The sessions tackled many situation-related topics, such as the importance of personal hygiene & washing hands, the importance of precautionary measures, the prevention of home accidents, parental behavior during quarantine, parent activities with children, peer pressure, family time and coping mechanisms for caregivers, gender equality, prevention of domestic violence, stress management sessions, effective communication sessions, support groups & healthy habits.