The Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan, opened the Ramadan village on the land of Dar al-Fatwa in Verdun, at the invitation of Makhzoumi Foundation and Beirutiyat, in presence of ambassadors of Arab and foreign countries and spiritual leaders and a crowd of businessmen. The ceremony started with a recitation from the Holy Quran and then the national anthem. The president of the National Dialogue Party, elected MP, Mr. Fouad Makhzoumi presented a speech, in which he welcomed the Mufti Darian and the audience and paid tribute to the heroes and children of Jerusalem for their steadfastness in the face of hatred and treachery and their determination to die for the sake of Palestine, stressing that they are the owners of the cause that never dies. Makhzoumi thanked Mufti Darian for his continuous support and the placement of Dar Al Fatwa land to establish the activities of Ramadan Village. He invited the attendees to participate in the activities of the village throughout the holy month of Ramadan. Then he added that Makhzoumi Foundation and Beirutiyat are both continuing their programs and ongoing patriotism to complete their mission of empowering young people, providing job opportunities and developing the concept of citizenship for a better tomorrow.