Librarians in Lebanon are a little bit marginalized and their job is not well disseminated, even though they can play a very constructive role in raising awareness and motivating our communities of all ages. To put in focus their roles, at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) in Jounieh, an event related to the UN SDGs with a panel discussion entitled “Librarians for implementing the UN 2030 Agenda and SDGs” was held.
The event was organized by the Lebanese Library Association (LLA), which is an association founded in Beirut in 1960. Its aim is to improve the standard of libraries and librarians and to encourage scientific and literary research in Lebanon. Since then, LLA organizes and holds conferences, seminars and book fairs.
Being the SDG number 5 entitled gender equality, goal leader, Mrs. May Makhzoumi, president of Makhzoumi Foundation was invited to be among the panel participants considering her experience in the management of community services related to different SDGs. Mrs. Makhzoumi presented points and notes about her experience with the SDGs and the related works of Makhzoumi Foundation including the Green Demonstration room, Yalla Nefroz project and many other initiatives that favor sustainable development actions in Lebanon.
The organizers hoped through this panel discussion to offer their Association members and other colleagues in the field of librarianship and information the opportunity to become more informed about the SDGs and become proactive. After all, Goal 16 states Right to press freedom and information, which is at the heart of what librarians do.