Between the blood of the martyrs and the pain of the wounded, and the grief of the people of Beirut and all of Lebanon for the wounded capital, and above all the rubble, the heart tears and the soul burns … Beirut today is like a battlefield, enveloped in grief and surrounded by oppression.
One scene in Beirut breaks this blackness, and paints a spot of light in a black tunnel, and holds the breeze of hope for a better tomorrow. In light of the complete absence of the state and its apparatus, the concern of Beirut’s lovers was not absent. Hands intertwined to lift the pain and remove the rubble from homes, streets and shops. The real heroes, the state in the absence of the state: the volunteers.
We’re writing this statement not to promote or advertise ourselves, but rather we write it with pride in our team, volunteers, and every volunteer, who spared no effort to help their city and its people.
Thank you for your hard work in removing rubble and glass, cleaning homes, streets and shops in various areas of the capital, and transporting glass to recycling as part of the Yalla Nefroz initiative.
Thank you for your humanitarian message in treating the wounded, by providing first aid to the injured in the explosion since the night of Bloody Tuesday, and throughout these days by following up the injured and treating the volunteers who were injured during their work as well, through the mobile medical team, the health care center and the mobile clinic.
Thank you, because you are listening to the pain amid the noise of destruction, by providing psychological support to those affected by the bombing, through the psychological support hotline, clinics, and through the fun bus that roams the affected areas to carry out psychological support activities for children.
Thank you, because you are not late for the people of your city to assess the impact of the explosion on their homes and shops, and to seek to help them with everything you can.
We express our appreciation and pride for you and your efforts, Makhzoumi Foundation’s staff and volunteers, who charted its course 23 years ago, under one slogan: Together we began, and forever united we shall stand. A thousand greetings to each volunteer.