Like every Eid, Makhzoumi Foundation receives the event in its own way, with various activities organized by the Makhzoumi Foundation’s Beauty Academy.
Eid al-Adha’s reception began with a beauty care day presented by the students of Makhzoumi Foundation’s Beauty Academy to the guests of the Islamic Elderly Infirmary in Beirut. The students of the Foundation also went to the Mufti Martyr Hassan Khaled Foundation in Abu Shaker Square and offered a free barber for children on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha.
A free beauty day was also set for women at the Makhzoumi Foundation’s main branch in Beirut, Barbour, during which the women benefited from the skills of the students of the Beauty Academy, who presented hairstyles, dye, hair, eyebrows, manicures and makeup, to welcome the feast with a new look!