Fighting unemployment begins by educating young people based on the needs of the labor market. Building on this principle, and in line with the approach of Makhzoumi Foundation, the Vocational Training Program at the Foundation began its preparations to include the elderly home care courses within its educational system.
Free courses will be held for youth who drop out of school, from the age of 15 to 24 years in the elderly home care courses, in addition to other specializations, such as home electricians, welding, sewing, mobile maintenance, cashier, and photography, in the areas of Beirut, Mount Lebanon, And Zahle. The successful candidate obtains a certificate at the end of the course, and a tool kit.
Preparations for the inclusion of the care of the elderly home care courses in the educational curricula included a series of work meetings with the Islamic Elderly House, and a number of workers in this field. Followed by the allocation of training sessions for trainers, who in turn will teach students.