It is no secret to anyone about the poor conditions that Lebanese society has reached in its various classes and sects. Crisis after crisis, and the absence of any serious effort or realistic solutions, all of this brought us to a bitter reality that we try to live with daily.
Beirut, which is known as the Lighthouse of the East, ironically, in 2022, does not see the light – no electricity – more than 3 hours in 24 hours (!). A black tent shades the capital, and complete darkness creeps between its streets, stripping the semblance of life from a city that has always pulsed with renewal over every obstacle, and disturbing with it the safety and tranquility of its residents, from the sway of the bats of darkness.
With the weight of all this, someone who takes it upon himself to support his community and cover up the state’s shortcomings with its ministries and agencies comes with special initiatives that restore Beirut’s spirit, and confirm the certainty: Beirut continues with the efforts of its children. The most prominent of them was the initiative of Makhzoumi Foundation, with the support of its honorary president, His Excellency Deputy Fouad Makhzoumi, to light the streets of Beirut with solar energy.
Earlier, the Makhzoumi Foundation announced the completion of the first and second phases of the “Beirut Enlightened” initiative, where 550 solar-powered lighting panels, of the highest quality, were installed in a number of Beirut areas, awaiting the launch of the third and final phase to continue supplying the capital’s streets with renewable energy.
In word and deed, Makhzoumi Foundation has built its reputation… No, in fact, in deeds before words, the approach of this loving and beloved Foundation has been for more than 25 years.
This initiative is not only important in providing light to the streets of the capital. Rather, it is the initiative of a doctor who restored the soul to his patient, the initiative of a mother who restored safety to her terrified child, the initiative of a loving father who never spared his children. After this initiative, we can now see the streets of the capital “illuminated” again, the commercial markets are no longer shaded by darkness that impoverishes their trade above the poverty of the living situation, and the bats of darkness have lost the dark tent that covers them.
The first and second phases included Al Mazraa Corniche, Bechara Al Khoury Street, Othman Bin Affan Mosque Roundabout, Dona Maria Street in Ras Al Nabaa, Zreik Street in Barbour, Mar Elias Street, Hamra Street, Cola Roundabout, Municipal Stadium, and Al Makassed Hospital Street. Tarik Al-Jadida Road, Sabra Street, Ard Jalloul, Al-Dalia port, Al-Hammam Al-Askari, and Al-Akhtal Al-Saghir Street.
This initiative, although not the final solution to a crisis that we as a Lebanese people have always suffered from, the electricity crisis, is a step towards overcoming difficulties, an attempt to fill a shortage, and an act that proves a love for the city of life, Beirut.
Despite some attempts to label the work of the Makhzoumi Foundation and link this initiative to electoral benefits… The initiative was launched, the elections are over, the initiative continued, and it will continue. So where are those who bet on stopping it after May 15?
The answer is always the foundation’s slogan… Together We Began, And Forever United We Shall Stand!